
Showing posts from October, 2017


It is October again, not only marked for cancer awareness, internationally, but also that month we celebrate the lives of our dear mothers (especially in Malawi). This year like any other year, messages and songs of dedication were awash on radio stations, television, newspapers and on social media sites celebrating the lives of our mothers. That was not bad as we had to spoil our beautiful mothers for the job they did and that they continue to do for us. But couldn’t we change the tune and let this year’s Mothers-day be used as a day to promote awareness on cancer? Breast and cervical cancer continue to claim the lives of many women in our country. Couldn’t we use this opportunity to beat the drum louder and make waves that could reach the uncharted waters? Pink - Breast Cancer There is a lot that could be done on this day to make sure the message on cancer awareness reached the areas that it has never been before. It is no secret that in some rural areas there a...


Some followers of Talking Cancer come from the group of people who have survived different types of cancer. To reflect their experiences to the public, the blog frequently features their stories in Questions and Answers. The latest interview was with Patali Mkorongo, a prostate cancer survivor, who was declared cancer-free in 2015. Patali Mkorongo, a prostate cancer survivor Q : Can you tell us about yourself? A : My name is Patali Mkorongo. I am 30 years old, a third born in a family of four children with one sister. My father passed away in 1997 and was raised by my mother. I am currently working for NBS bank.   Q : What type of cancer were you originally diagnosed with? A: I was diagnosed at Mwaiwathu Hospital with prostate cancer, a tumor attached to the bladder that was growing fast. The tumor got big to the size of a ball. Q : What were the symptoms that you initially felt before the diagnosis? A :   Fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of weight...


Learn more about cancer from this video. Fight cancer today by commenting and sharing the video.

THE ANTI-CANCER DIET: Foods that prevent cancer

Most experts agree that a specific diet, that could assure people a cancer free life does not yet exist. However, there is a way of eating that you can use to reduce your risk of cancer. The following are some of the fruits and drinks that you may consider including in your diet in order to fight cancer, thanks to Everyday Health and WebMD sites. Garlic:  Various studies have established that people who eat more garlic are less likely to develop varied cancers, especially in digestive organs such as esophagus, stomach and colon. The pungent bulbs have ingredients that may keep cancer cells from multiplying. Eating a segment a day may be helpful.   Berries:   These contain particularly powerful antioxidants, meaning they can stop a naturally occurring process in the body that creates radicals that can damage your cells. Elements in berries may also prevent cancer cells from growing abnormally. So as part of your anti-cancer diet, include a...

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